Webinar Details
The Boeing 737 Max crashes reinforced the importance of safety critical software design. Training engineers who are qualified and experienced in this field requires a special strategy. Competent engineers should be able to evaluate every aspect of the function they have designed. To train such engineers, we used a combination of two custom Quanser 2 DOF inverted Pendulums system that include a torsional coupling. Engineers need to design a control that can, for instance, draw the letter “Q” with the pivot point of the pendulum in the shortest time while balancing a quail egg. Having engineers involved in such a challenging task helps them acquire a much more safety-oriented design approach to existing projects.
Presenter’s Bio
Süleyman Altınorak graduated from Istanbul Technical University, Department of Aerospace Engineering. Afterwards, he completed his master’s degree in system dynamics and control program working on Bipedal Robot Dynamics. There is also a doctoral study in the field of control, which he could not finish. After graduation, he worked on industrial manipulator type robots at Altınay Robotics. He has been working at TEI on Aviation engine control systems (FADEC) for piston and türbine engines since 2011. Recently, it has focused especially on functional system safety.
Project Team: (Experience: 1 year)
Muhammet Kazım CİNGÖZ: System definition and dynamical modeling of electrical components.
Bedreddin KAYAN: Modeling of Integrated System Dynamics Including Closed Chain Mechanical Dynamics.
Semih AKTAŞ: Linearization Of The System Model and Controller Design.
Mutluhan ÖZKAN: System Integration and Data Collection for Parameter Estimation.
M. Okan GÜNEY: Stability Evidence Creator With Disc Margin Method.