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Grant Proposal Support

Let Us Help You Get Funded

Grant Proposal Request

Preparing a grant proposal is hard, time-consuming work. The funding guidelines are often complex, and the competition for available funding sources is fierce. Additionally, needing to secure internal approval for your proposal before submitting can make the process daunting, especially for new researchers.

Make Your Proposal Stand Out

With all these challenges, you want to make sure your grant proposal stands out from the rest. While university research services provide valuable assistance, leveraging Quanser’s technical expertise can boost your chances of securing your next funding proposal.

Grant Proposal Support is a Free Service for our Partners


Use our hardware in multidisciplinary research, teaching and outreach activity

Save Time

Spend more time on your research and less time on the funding application process

More Success

Improve your overall productivity and increase your chance of getting funded

Researchers Helping Researchers

Whether you are with a small or large institution, we can help you get both internal and external funding. Since 2013, we have helped academics around the world secure over $13,000,000 in funding from agencies including:

  • US Department of Defense (DOD)
  • National Science Foundation (NSF)
  • The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
  • UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)
  • Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
    World Bank

Sample Awarded Proposals

This is just a small cross-section of funding proposals we’ve recently worked on to help our partners get funding.

Your Success is Our Success

Collaboration and strategic partnerships are key to creating win-win situations, especially in today’s competitive funding grant environment. Below are some of the benefits to our academic counterparts and Quanser when we join forces.

  • Benefits to Principal Investigator and Institution
    • Access to funds to establish new research/teaching capacities or enhance existing capabilities.
    • Helps focus on the quality of the proposal, not the process.
    • Assistance in identifying the most relevant and highest potential grant opportunities based on principal investigator and institution profile or collaboration possibility.
    • Increased probability of getting funded.
    • Help navigate the competition by leveraging a large international network of distributors and relationships with grants and procurement offices.
    • Decreases the burden and time spent on developing a grant proposal.
    • Recommending validated and world-class technology to carry out the proposed work.
    • Connecting you with other researchers and research networks Sole-source justifications.
  • Benefits to Quanser
    • Creates an opportunity to partner with influential educational institutions.
    • Contributes to Quanser’s legacy of enabling ground-breaking research.
    • Expands our relationship with academia.

Collaboration is Key to Success

A successful partnership requires that both parties equally contribute to the goal, which is a winning funded proposal. Some of the key expectations and contributions are outlined below.

  • Contributions of Quanser
    • Identify suitable funding source(s)
    • Collaborate on defining the vision and alignment with the funding review criteria
    • Collaborate on writing the Executive Summary
    • Propose the right solution (hardware + software) to support the vision
    • Describe how the proposed solution meets the vision and expectations of the project
    • Provide a full technical description of the proposed hardware and software
  • Contributions of the Principal Investigator
    • Collaborate with Quanser to define a proposal concept based on current needs and vision for future as well as funding review criteria
    • Identify and assemble the team of co-PI’s and researchers
    • Collaborate with Quanser on writing the Executive Summary
    • Inform the appropriate stakeholders (e.g. college and grant office decision makers) about the intent to submit a proposal
    • Provide Quanser the necessary technical information and research work implications to be included in the whitepaper and full proposal
    • Cooperate with Quanser in a timely manner, and be first in line to navigate internal competition (if applicable)
    • Work with grant office to submit final proposal