Webinar Details
Learn how three faculty across two CSU campuses have used hardware and software to expose early engineering students to industrial methods. Highlights include using hardware to engage students in first-year engineering courses, engaging with industry partners to introduce complete workflows for students, and developing courses across campuses.
Presenter’s Bio

Rohollah (Roham) Moghadam
Rohollah (Roham) Moghadam (Member, IEEE) received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Azad University, Tehran, Iran, in 2001. The M.S. degree in electrical engineering from the Shahrood University of Technology, Shahrud, Iran, in 2007, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO, USA, in 2020.
He was an Assistant Professor with Arkansas Tech University, Russellville, AR, USA, and PennWest California, California, PA, USA. He is currently an Assistant Professor with the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department, at California State University, Sacramento (CSUS), CA, USA.
His research interests include distributed control of multiagent systems, cyber–physical systems, machine learning in feedback control systems, and robot decision and control.

Dr. Lin Jiang
Dr. Lin Jiang is an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at San Jose State University.
Her research focuses on human biomechanics and robotics, with special emphasis on medical device development and haptic feedback for surgical robots.
Her work has been published on IEEE transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME), Annuals of Biomedical Engineering (ABME), IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RAL), Journal of Biomedical Engineering (JBME), and others. She is also an active member of IEEE HKN, BMES, ASME, and ISHRML.
Dr. Jiang received New Investigator Award from the California State University’s Program for Education and Research in Biotechnology (CSUPERB), the Small Group Project Award from the College of Engineering at SJSU, an Exemplary Teaching award from the School of Engineering at UT Dallas, a Diversity Award from the Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference, a Best paper award from the 2018 ASME IMEC conference, among others.