Webinar Details
Learning through experimentation is one of the most efficient ways of developing the cognitive skills that underlie critical thinking such as problem solving and systems thinking. In addition to such skills, training in interpersonal (e.g., teamwork) and intrapersonal skills (e.g., time management or adaptability) have proven to be key to the success of Engineering graduates in industry.
In this YOUser Webinar, our guest, professor Tabatabaei from the Lassonde School of Engineering at York University, walks us through the design and development of a course in Instrumentation & Measurement Techniques. The course not only invokes critical thinking through experiential learning but also focuses on student training in interpersonal and intrapersonal skills through student project elements. Professor Tabatabaei designed, developed and offered the course using experiential learning equipment from Quanser and in close collaboration with Quanser educational team. Since its first offering in January 2016, the course has consistently received recognition from students and education experts, turning into a flagship course in Lassonde School of Engineering’s Mechanical Engineering Department.