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QBall 2

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The Quanser QBall-X4 and its later version, QBall 2, were the first open-architecture quadrotors for indoor autonomous robotics research. To accelerate research in multi-agent, swarm, and vision-based applications, we now offer the QDrone, a feature vehicle of the Quanser Autonomous Vehicles Research Studio.


Product Details

The Quanser QBall 2 quadrotor is an innovative indoor rotary wing platform suitable for a wide variety of unmanned vehicle research applications. A complete system includes the QBall 2, ground control station, and OptiTrack cameras. The open-architecture design allows users to add other off-the-shelf sensors. This presents a flexible, open-architecture platform researchers can use to quickly develop and apply controllers and control algorithms, without having to integrate disparate hardware and software resources.

  • Protective carbon fiber cage for indoors use, enclosing Qball 2 motors, propellers and embedded computer
  • Ready for use out of the box, no assembly required
  • High-definition on-board avionics data acquisition card
  • Low power on-board computer with Linux operating system for high-level, real-time decision making and task execution
  • Built-in sensors (3-axis accelerometer, 3-axis gyroscope, sonar height sensor)
  • Customizable with off-the-shelf sensors supported by QUARC (digital – SPI, UART, IªC; analog sensor)
  • Accurate localization and tracking system
  • Wireless inter-vehicle communication capabilities for multi-agent research applications
  • Up to 10 min flight time on one battery charge
  • Up to 300 g payload
QBall 2
Diameter 0.7 m
Power 2 LiPo rechargeable batteries, 2700 mAh, 3-cell
Flight time 10 min per charge
Weight (with batteries) 1.8 kg
Maximum payload 300 g
Embedded Computer
On-board computer Gumstix DuoVero Zephyr with integrated 802.11 b/g/n WiFi
Processor ARM Cortex-A9, 1 GHz
QUARC maximum sample rate 1,000 Hz
I/O Channels Specifications
PWM motor outputs 4
Configurable PWM outputs 2
3-axis gyroscope 250 deg/s – 500 deg/s – 2,000 deg/s selectable range
3-axis accelerometer ± 2g – ± 4g – ± 8g selectable range
Sonar height sensor 0.2 m – 7.65 m range
1 cm resolution
Analog input 2
12-bit, 0 V – 5 V
Reconfigurable digital I/O 8
UART 1 serial 3.3V
I²C 1

For Simulink

QBall 2 workstation includes

  • Ground station with QUARC® add-on for MATLAB®/Simulink®
  • QBall 2 with joystick
  • 6-camera OptiTrack localization system* with the OptiTrack Motive software
  • Extra 2-LiPo battery pack

Required software not included:

  • Stateflow® Simulink add-on

* Add up to 24 OptiTrack cameras for advanced localization requirements (additional cameras can be purchased separately).